Sunday, September 2, 2012

A great weekend!

It's been an amazing weekend. Simple, yet amazing.

Friday I went to Dina's house. I saw 5 of the cutest and most vocal little fur-balls to ever live! We talked and hung out. I met some really great people there too. I really enjoyed myself. So much so that I drove home at 3:30 in the morning. That by the way... I do NOT remember how I got home. I was dozing off every... 30 seconds.
Yesterday I slept until around 12ish. Then my (lack of caffeine) headache got the best of me. I got up and ran some errands. Washed my car (that was totally pointless because the weather said it was going to rain TUESDAY and it rained today.) then came home and took a nap. I woke up and had plans to go see Bill.
I have known Bill for around a year. We went out last year, twice, and nothing came of it. Not on his part, MY part. Something spooked me and I just stopped talking to him. (I'll get to why in a moment). Bill had/has every single thing I am looking for in a potential partner. Oddly enough he never tried kissing me on either date we went on last year, I definitely remember that much. Well we started talking, again. Nothing big, just texts messages here and there. I couldn't figure out what it was that I didn't like about him from before. Finally in one conversation I figured it out. He said he smoked. And BAM! Just like that I knew. I stopped talking to him... again.
I went out with a few people after all that, again he would text me and I would text him back, to be polite. But inside all I could think is “no way”.
Bill had asked what it was that made me stop talking to him. I told him that it was the fact that he was a smoker and we had pretty much stopped talking. He ruled me out and I ruled him out.
I went out with this guy Jon and after YEARS I had that feeling of “OMG I like him soooo much.” I don't get that feeling a lot. At least not in the past... 4 years.
Come to figure out, Jon didn't like me back. At least not like THAT. I was ok with it, didn't have a choice in the matter.
By this point I had just thrown in the towel on dating. Figured it was the safest thing for me. 
Friday I was sending Bill texts through out the day. Just random texts. Then the topic of his cats came up and I told him I wanted to come over and kiss his kitties and see them (since everyone and their mother knows how much I love kitties). He jokingly suggested that I come over and I told him I would, on Saturday.
So I did. Even though we had ruled one another out I still went over Saturday night and had the most amazing time. At one point I just looked at him and thought “I really like him.” and my guard slowly started coming down. We flirted back and forth with one another and I got to a point were I was snuggling up against him. And then he (finally) kissed me and it felt right. 
So, long story short, I'm officially over Sean and (after 1.5 years) actually open to being with another person. I didn't think it would ever happen. 
I like Bill a LOT and want to see were things go. I'm feeling happy and really optimistic about things. He sent me a text this morning, wondering if I made it home alive. LOL. I left his house at 2am this morning.
We are definitely seeing one another after I get back from FL in 2 weeks. Until then, text messages will have to do. :)

Today I hung out with Sarah, that I never see anymore. It was great seeing her and spending time with her. I wish I could do it more often. 
Now I'm washing clothes and figuring out what in the hell I'm going to bring to FL with me and how am I could to keep myself entertained for 10 HOURS tomorrow at work.
Well... better end this. I got some cleaning to do. And I gotta finish that movie I rented.