Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Being single... and loving it!

An update before I head out and about tonight.

I've rejoined the single world. One would think I would be sad or feel depressed. HELL TO THE NO! I feel like jumping for joy. Even going to work has been made easier. Emotionally I'm in a better place and mentally I'm far more calm. 
I'm so happy I did what was best for ME. I haven't felt this happy and optimistic... ever. Never in my life have I embraced my single life like I do now. I feel like a better, more positive person.
My social calendar is still filling up. Plans for tonight, tomorrow, all of Saturday and all of Sunday. Then the following week/end is filling up too. Gotta love it!
Realistically, I'm in no state of getting into a relationship. Right now dating is probably the only thing I would be willing to do (unless someone gives me the vagina tingles). Then SLOOOOOOOWLY ease into a relationship.
Something I'm notorious for NOT doing. I'm so fucking impulsive I even jump into a relationship with out thinking it out fully. (that's what lead me to so many failed relationships in the past).
Between last year and this year I've learned a lot. A lot about myself and the things I want and need. 
I'm super excited about things going on for me. I won't “spill the beans” just yet but I'm just really happy. :)
It feels great. And I know I deserve it. 
I hope that Chris will find happiness in his life. I can't remain in communication with him due to my fear of something happening. The final conversation I had with him had me fearing for my life. I'm saving and documenting any communication he attempts with me. If I need to get the police involved I have absolutely no problem doing so. I swear, I attract all the crazies. 

                    My new addiction... SKRILLEX!!!! 

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