Saturday, June 23, 2012

Short Update...

This is gonna be a short update.

Had a crazy (yet really good) week. Monday & Tuesday I ran some (much needed) errands after work. Wednesday I went down to Orange and saw Kim, Felicia and Dave. It was GREAT seeing them. Watching them sing Karaoke was pretty cool too. Even if I didn't feel up to participating.
Thursday I came home and did cleaning and relaxing. Then Friday I went shopping for baby Tiffanies birthday today. She's turning 3! :D
I finally made it home and did stuff around the house and turned in early.

Today I got to see Randy and the boys that I love love LOOOOVE soo much! Ian has to stop growing! He's got teeth... TEETH! The last time I saw him he wasn't walking. Now he is. Still has the pudgy legs though.
And then Baby Tiffanies birthday is at 2pm.
Then I got a date!
OMG!!! yup a date. I'm so excited and actually pretty nervous too. I'll post tomorrow how it goes ;)~
I was supposed to have a date for tomorrow but I backed out after finding out he's a smoker. NO, I did not know that before hand. I don't date smokers. If they want to ruin their lives, have at it, but I won't watch someone kill themselves.

Ok enough of the rambling. Gonna end this post.

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