Friday, June 8, 2012


It's been a very hectic past few weeks. Between working and keeping up with my crazy social life I can't seem to find time to sit and actually type things out.
Until now. 
Not much to update. Been enjoying my social circle of GREAT friends that I adore. I've seen Dave and his band perform and OMG! They are so amazing! I can't wait to see them on stage again!
This weekend I'm seeing Emma and her band play and then Sunday I'm pretty much doing nothing. (finally). Friday of next week is James's party. (Happy Birthday Hun!) and then it's Movie Trivia night at Brads & Daves (In Newtown) I can't wait. And next Sunday I got a lunch planned with a friend.
The remainder of the month, into next month, involves weekend parties. Apparently... I've become a social butterfly... and I LOVE it!
It's so nice to make friends that are genuine and accepting. It's tough to find people like that, in my age range, now a day. Usually I find people that are some sort of “sheep”. Either they are conforming to suite their partner or their friends. And I do NOT associate with neither.
                                          Brad and I

In September I'm flying to FL and I can't wait to see my little, precious, beloved, adorable niece Lindsey turn... ONE! Omg! She's getting so big. Speaking of... I better go pack up that box I've been meaning to seen for a few weeks now >_< 
                  MY HEART AND SOUL!!! BABY LINDSEY! 

Ok... time to go.
Stay tuned!
More next time!!

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