Saturday, March 9, 2013

Won't let this keep me down

Well... well.. well.... how things can take a very rapid nose dive in just the course of 72 hours. Sad, if you think about it.
I'm pretty sure no one reads this so I'm going to go on ahead and just spill my guts.

I left my job at LogistiCare (that I hated with every fiber in my body) to take a chance at a new job that WAS NOT a guarantee. So I took the leap and sure enough... it backfired right in my face. After just two days I was let go. Why? I have no fucking clue. I didn't get a reason, just a phone call letting me know they no longer needed me. I felt absolutely devastated and emotional. All I wanted was to cry my eyes out and I did... a few times already in fact.
This morning (at 5am to be exact) I jumped online and applied to 30 jobs. I dug up the name and information of someone that may be able to help me out. And I found a placed that is having a job fair in North Haven on Tuesday. I'm going to make sure and not let this keep me down. I'm better then that. I'm determined to find something else. Soon. I'm hard working and will give 110% to any job.

I'm trying to think of it as ... it wasn't meant to be. Like so many other things in my life that didn't work out, for whatever reason, it just wasn't meant to be. I'm EXTREMELY lucky to have a really supportive mom (that will not leave me alone about moving to FL with her next year) and some great friends that are really being there for me. I'm so grateful to each and every person that has listened to me and have encouraged me to not give up.
Thank you.

So... for now I'm ... (dare I say it)... Unemployed. *cring* I feel like a total bum. Ew... I'm exactly what I'm against. Funny how that shit happens huh? Well... unlike all the bums I've met I'm being proactive and applying like crazy and putting things in motion to the best of my ability. So I guess I'm better. LOL.
Ok so I better get to some of the things I need to take care of today. Like cleaning. Since shopping is totally OUT OF THE QUESTION. Until I have an income again. That I'm praying will be soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love the little toilet paper and poop picture. If it wasn't disgusting, I'd hug and kiss them.
