Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I guess it's time that I just shut up about Sean. It has been 2.5 months and I have gone through periods were I do not bring him up at all. Other times it's all I talk/think about. But it seems that after some conversations with people it really is time that I take how I feel and what I think and just lock it away. Keep everything to myself, including my suffering. Put on a facade and pretend that everything is a-ok, even if deep down inside all I want to do is cry.
I start seeing a new therapist on Monday so I hope that I can at least talk to her about how things are going and open up because I feel like everyone is telling me to let go and move on when all I want to do is hold on for just a little longer "just in case".
I don't expect anyone to understand, especially the people that have had it "easy" in life. Inexperienced with dating and don't know what true love and real heartache feels like. Liking someone for a year and rambling about them and how horrible they are is TOTALLY different then actually being in a committed long term relationship with someone and actually falling in love. Dreaming of being with someone and actually being with someone are two totally different things.
I've been able to keep from talking about Sean to one person in specific. Someone I care deeply about and see as one of my best friends. So, if I can hold back from talking about Sean with him then I'm sure I can do it with everyone else.

Oh! and some of my less active "friends" on FB will be getting demoted. :)

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