Saturday, September 3, 2011

Goodbye my lover, Goodbye my friend

Today I decided that it was time for me to send back Seans things. I got a box from work, dug up all his items and put them in the box. As I pulled things out one by one I couldn't hold back the tears. I clenched onto his yellow shirt with both hands thinking to myself "I don't wanna give it back! I don't wanna!" it still smelled just like him. After all these months. I squeezed his hoodie close and just snuggled up to it. Remembering how much I loved it when he wore it. His other items I wrapped up and wrote a note requesting the return of my necklace. I'm going to be sending it out on Tuesday.
This is all that's left. After giving him his things back I will have nothing. Other then bittersweet memories.
I never wanted it to end. I looked back at the pictures of him and I and just can't imagine anything ever going wrong. We were the perfect couple. We were happy. I was happy.

No matter what, I don't regret a single second of those 5 amazing months I spent with Sean. I never knew how much I could truly love someone until I met him.
But I have to let him go.

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