Sunday, November 4, 2012

Where did I go wrong?

I don't like writing "depressing" posts but tonight I honestly can't help it.

This weekend I had tons planned. I was going to clean and keep myself busy. I was looking forward to today because I had gone out and bought all the ingredients for a nice dinner that I was going to make from scratch and bring it to my friend that has been having a bad run of luck recently. I figured it would be nice to be there for someone. I know what it's like to be alone and in need of someone to be there for you.

Well I reached out to this person TWICE via text. Asking if they still wanted me to go and see them. No answer. I dunno what happened. I have that same crappy, "thrown away" feeling I had when Sean left. I hate this feeling. It's honestly one of the worst feelings anyone could ever feel. The only difference is I KNOW that it's not my fault. I am an AMAZING friend and anyone lucky to have me in their life can confirm it. I feel stupid for caring so much about a person that, honestly, didn't deserve it. A person that probably didn't care from the start. A person that did to me what others have done in the past. You think I would learn my lesson by now, NOPE! took one last feeling of pure shit to be reminded that I deserve better people in my life.

So after having a tiny bit of the (old) me creeping out and being shunned away... AGAIN. I'm going to keep it locked away. I'm going to take this lesson and learn from it. Embrace the mistake and be more careful. Give less, take more... that type of thing.

Thank you to the only two people that were there for me tonight. Andy & John. I appreciate your very presence in my life.

I better end this. Have a good night everyone.

These guys are AMAZING live and really sweet. (I actually met them). I listen to this song every time I lose a friend. I listen to this song a lot.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Another (much needed) post.

I have no idea how to start this post. I guess I'll begin with the thing that's been weighing the heaviest on my mind.

All this came about a couple of weeks ago. I felt ontop of the world. Like nothing could bring me down. I was going to be getting my kitten. That I have seen since he opened his eyes. Seeing him on a regular basis (weekly). My mother had stated that if I re-homed all my rats I could get the kitten. Well as much as I adore my rats, the responsibility of so many is really starting to get to me. The cleaning, feeding and attention they require is a LOT for just one person. So I agreed and started going through the steps of seeking good homes. Well on a Friday morning as I was getting ready to walk out the door my mother dropped the bomb that i couldn't get my kitten. Why? because her dog wouldn't get along with the kitten. That the dog would kill the kitten and that she only wanted the best for the kitten. BULL SHIT!

I got so upset. It was as if someone stabbed me in the chest. As always my mother did all she could to make me feel as small and insignificant now (that I'm an adult) as she did when I was a child. Saying one thing one moment then turning around and changing her mind. I have wanted a cat for over 15 years. I absolutely love cats and find them to be far better pets then any ugly mutt. I left in a fit of anger. Crying and screaming. Hoping all the worst for my mothers dog. With good reason, mind you. I got to work and thought hard. I decided that if I couldn't have my kitty (that I was already very much in love with) at my mothers home, I would have to do what it takes to find a place my kitty IS welcomed and move. Thankfully I have wonderful friends and was offered a room at my friends home. She's the person that is fostering my kitten and his siblings until they are old enough to go to homes.

The catch? It's an hour from were I live now and even a farther drive from were I work. So I have a place I can move to, all I need now is a better paying job in the area of were the place is. Now... I absolutely LOVE the town. I go there and feel right at home. It's peaceful and beautiful. I go during the weekends and enjoy myself. I get to see my friend AND my kitten. What else can I ask for?
So right now I'm looking for a job in that area. As soon as I do, have money saved up (from my current job) to pay for rent, I'm OUT OF HERE!
So... that's what's going on with moving.

My health.
As many people know, I have anxiety. It's getting worse by the day. My anxiety is becoming stress related. I'm stressed out on a daily basis so this is really, really bad. My dr put me on a different inhaler. She also said that my livery enzymes are off. That it could mean a few things, including the chance of Hepatitis. So I'm going for MORE blood work to check all that out. Also she wants me on a diet (what a surprise). Even thought I only gained ONE POUND in the last 2 months i still got lectured about my weight and eating habits. Go figure.

The dating world.
I hate dating. It's probably one of the more... annoying things a single person has the misery of dealing with. I've turned down a number of dates in the past few weeks. I'm so emotionally and mentally unavailable I don't even want to think about the possibility of having to deal with another person and their bull shit. I have never really been happy with being single. I've actually always fought to avoid it. But now that I am single, now that I do have so much going on, I'm really happy that I don't have that extra person around to suck all my attention. I have a few people I talk to on a regular basis, but nothing has (or will) happen with them. At least not any time soon.

As truly crappy as things are in my life, I know it's all for the best. I have to move out and become my own person. Like it or not, it's a step that's needed in the growing and developing process. I've always been fiercely independent. This is just the last step I need to take in my life.
This kitten is changing my life. And it's for the better. He's making me want more for myself and for him. I want to be the best I can be, because of him. He's my miracle kitty.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A great weekend!

It's been an amazing weekend. Simple, yet amazing.

Friday I went to Dina's house. I saw 5 of the cutest and most vocal little fur-balls to ever live! We talked and hung out. I met some really great people there too. I really enjoyed myself. So much so that I drove home at 3:30 in the morning. That by the way... I do NOT remember how I got home. I was dozing off every... 30 seconds.
Yesterday I slept until around 12ish. Then my (lack of caffeine) headache got the best of me. I got up and ran some errands. Washed my car (that was totally pointless because the weather said it was going to rain TUESDAY and it rained today.) then came home and took a nap. I woke up and had plans to go see Bill.
I have known Bill for around a year. We went out last year, twice, and nothing came of it. Not on his part, MY part. Something spooked me and I just stopped talking to him. (I'll get to why in a moment). Bill had/has every single thing I am looking for in a potential partner. Oddly enough he never tried kissing me on either date we went on last year, I definitely remember that much. Well we started talking, again. Nothing big, just texts messages here and there. I couldn't figure out what it was that I didn't like about him from before. Finally in one conversation I figured it out. He said he smoked. And BAM! Just like that I knew. I stopped talking to him... again.
I went out with a few people after all that, again he would text me and I would text him back, to be polite. But inside all I could think is “no way”.
Bill had asked what it was that made me stop talking to him. I told him that it was the fact that he was a smoker and we had pretty much stopped talking. He ruled me out and I ruled him out.
I went out with this guy Jon and after YEARS I had that feeling of “OMG I like him soooo much.” I don't get that feeling a lot. At least not in the past... 4 years.
Come to figure out, Jon didn't like me back. At least not like THAT. I was ok with it, didn't have a choice in the matter.
By this point I had just thrown in the towel on dating. Figured it was the safest thing for me. 
Friday I was sending Bill texts through out the day. Just random texts. Then the topic of his cats came up and I told him I wanted to come over and kiss his kitties and see them (since everyone and their mother knows how much I love kitties). He jokingly suggested that I come over and I told him I would, on Saturday.
So I did. Even though we had ruled one another out I still went over Saturday night and had the most amazing time. At one point I just looked at him and thought “I really like him.” and my guard slowly started coming down. We flirted back and forth with one another and I got to a point were I was snuggling up against him. And then he (finally) kissed me and it felt right. 
So, long story short, I'm officially over Sean and (after 1.5 years) actually open to being with another person. I didn't think it would ever happen. 
I like Bill a LOT and want to see were things go. I'm feeling happy and really optimistic about things. He sent me a text this morning, wondering if I made it home alive. LOL. I left his house at 2am this morning.
We are definitely seeing one another after I get back from FL in 2 weeks. Until then, text messages will have to do. :)

Today I hung out with Sarah, that I never see anymore. It was great seeing her and spending time with her. I wish I could do it more often. 
Now I'm washing clothes and figuring out what in the hell I'm going to bring to FL with me and how am I could to keep myself entertained for 10 HOURS tomorrow at work.
Well... better end this. I got some cleaning to do. And I gotta finish that movie I rented.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm here but you don't see...

I haven't bothered updating this thing. I've wanted to, it's finding the motivation and time to do it that's the problem.

Not much to update. Right when things seems to look like they may be getting better, it takes an immediate nose dive. I've been putting more effort into actually dating and giving more of a chance then I normally would have. Instead of writing someone off immediately I've actually gone out on date 2 or 3. And if there is still no chemistry on my end I walk away. 
I went out with Jon, this 28 year old really shy guy not to long ago. I have no clue what it was about him, probably a mix of his incredibly beautiful smile, pretty green eyes and sweet personality that drew me in. He was slightly taller then me, a bit pudgy but NOTHING like other guys I've gone out with, and had this sexy voice and great taste in music. Forget it... I was instantly sucked in. I felt all those girly emotions. I wanted to see him again soo badly! As in... the next day badly.
Jon clearly didn't like me back. At least that's the impression I got. He did text me with in 10 min of us separating (after spending 4 hours together laughing and joking around). He complimented me and what not but no plans for a 2nd meet up. I felt really devastated and honestly... hurt. I didn't bother asking. Before I was going to set myself up for even more heartache I just let him go. It was NOT something I wanted to do, but knew I had to.
Today an over abundance of mixed emotions came over me. For a moment I thought about packing my stuff and moving away. Talking to my dad and moving to FL next month. Taking the next few weeks and seeing about finding a job in my field down there. But after more careful thinking I realized I could never leave this place. My pets are here and my best friend is here. My life is here. Everything that means something to me is here. I refuse to leave Jenn. Not again. I could never do that again. If she decides to ever move I'll move wherever she goes, but I will not leave her side. No matter what. 
So I decided to give up. To stop looking for someone and just let go. The last time I did that was how I met Sean. He found me. I'm cutting ties with some people. At least for now. I've contemplated changing my number too. I just wanna walk away and forget the guys I've met. And not be bothered. Today I've officially thrown in the “dating” towel.

I've pretty much been single for the past 18 months. I might as well make it 2 years.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Busy Bee!

So I started this whole diet yesterday. My food consumption has taken a DRASTIC drop. I feel like I eat nothing. When I get hungry I eat some sort of fruit. Mango's have become my fruit of choice at this point. Although the orange is closely behind it. Tomorrow's breakfast is 2 eggs (scrambled) and a few slices of turkey bacon. Lunch is sliced beef mixed with veggies. I have oranges, mango, banana and apple for a treat. My food option is really limited. Especially since I loath 75% of the vegetables out there. The only ones I like include Mushrooms, carrots, celery, corn, broccoli, peas, onions and that's it. I loath peppers. That shit seems to be in EVERYTHING. I pick them out. Yuck! 
As much as I want to hate this whole diet thing I really don't. I already can't have dairy, so there is no big loss. The bread... that's really tough. My favorite candy is like 28g of carb! :(
I just gotta hang in there for another … -gulp-... 6.5 weeks. I better be like 40lbs less. Ok that's totally unrealistic but I really should loss a significant amount of weight. The weird thing is, one of the things I miss the most is seeing my collar bone and ribs. Like when I would breath in I could totally feel my bones and my hips were super boney. GOD! I wanna be skinny.
I want that. I want to feel sexy again. Although... when I was substantially smaller I still wasn't happy. I loved being able to do more because I was so much smaller. But guys wouldn't really talk to me. And I lost weight for myself AND to find someone. I really think it's because guys already thought I was with someone. I was really really small. At my lightest I was nearly single digits in clothing size. And that's a BIG deal for me. To be a size 8. I fit into a small. A SMALL! Oh my god... what I would give to fit into a small.
I'll get there. I know I will. I just have to keep going. Once I'm down around 20lbs then I'll try going to the gym. My doctor told me to first focus on losing weight THEN going to work out. Makes sense. 
                                         At my smallest.
  I am DETERMINED to look like this again. Nothing can stop me.
Moving on...
This week has been CRAZY! Well... sorta. I gotta come home and clean and do laundry and feed the animals, make my breakfast (for the next day), make my lunch (for the next day) and make my dinner (for that same day).
I have to cut up my fruit and then make sure I have enough packed.
Then I gotta pick out my clothes for work the next day, then I gotta take a shower and finally lay in bed. Tonight I rented a movie so I'm gonna enjoy that!
Tomorrow I'm going to Jenns after work. Gonna hang out there then go grocery shopping for the remainder of the week. Gotta get meats and fruit.
Thursday I'm seeing Randy and Jess. Meeting some new people at karaoke so I'm really excited. It's gonna be GREAT! Friday going to see my p-doc. I really hate having so many dr's. Then I gotta either go help Jess with the preparations of the tag sale or going to see Dina. I loves Dina :D She's awesome!
Saturday going to do the hole Tag sale thing and I'm gonna see if I can bring Bay and Amelia. Bay is really attached to me. I got other plans but those aren't set in stone yet.
So this week is turning out to be great! I'm really happy. 
Today I realized... I finally let go of Sean. I never thought I could. I was so hardened by what happened. I had built this wall around my heart and I didn't want to let anyone through. I was focusing so much on what happened and avoiding having it happen again that I was letting a really great guy slip right threw my fingers.
Once I realized what a major mistake all that would be I put an immediate stop to the negative thinking and knew that I couldn't lose him. That deep down inside (locked away) I loved him and I didn't want to live with regret. The same way I know so many people are currently living.
I'm happy he's still in my life. Now I just gotta see him again. Damn this conflicting schedule! 
On a side note, I'm letting my hair grow out. Yeah I say that every single summer. Then it gets cut like a boys hair come winter time. This time I'm going to see if I can actually let it get as far as my shoulders. I actually don't look so bad.
I better end this. I still need to take a shower, change laundry over and watch the movie I rented.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

So now I'm walking on a tightrope wire

No clue how long this will be but I'll try and make this quick. I'm currently soaking wet and sweating bullets. (GROSS!)

This weekend took a drastic turn for the better today.
I went and visited Sarah and Joe. I took Bay with me. She's such a moosh ball. So I hung out there and Sarah pierced my ears. This time it's not bothering me nearly as much as the first lord knows how many times. 
Then I headed to Jesse's to try this strawberry pie that looked DELICIOUS. I hung out there and we talked and I got a TON of stuff off my chest. Things that has been on my mind for a while now. Things I don't generally talk about. I feel much more at ease now that I actually talked about it. And with someone that understands.
I'm really grateful for my friends. Like I always say, I would be lost with out them. 

We talked, laughed, cried... it felt wonderful. I feel really optimistic. With this whole diet thing I'm hoping that my health improves. I want to have a great time in Atlantic City this year. Although the guy that was drunk, singing and flashing 6th graders was really hilarious last year. I would love to see that again. Hehehe.

I figured it out. Well.. sorta... I figured out something. What I need is to stay busy. To be cleaning, playing games, hanging out with friends... anything. That helps me A LOT. It helps my depression, it helps my anxiety, it helps ME. I need to stay busy. To be occupied with something. Even just hanging out with someone. I'm doing something to entertaining myself. People can always tell that I have tons and tons and tooooonnnns of energy. Apparently by the tone of my voice. Go figure. You don't even need to know me to know that my energy level is crazy. 
So I'm going to put all this energy to good use. I'm going to go to Karaoke with Jesse and Randy on Thursday. Then Friday I may go hang out with Jesse again and then Saturday I'm helping her with this tag said she's setting up. I love stuff like that! (again, keeping myself super busy helps so much).
Then Sunday is my day to see Sarah and Joe!
This Mon-Wed I'm working 8-6. I need to make up for the time I missed on Friday.
So I'm packing extra... stuff to eat at work. My choices have been limited to fruit, vegetables and meat. Oh and ice. Can't forget good old ICE! Ugh... I better see some serious results this time next week. The next 7 weeks are going to be pure hell for me.

I told Sarah about what happened on Friday. How Andy made the choice to remove me from his life. Then I explained to her how I felt. And that how I felt had nothing to do with him and everything to do with me. How I'm trying to deal with all these issues. And she stops and looks at me and says “But wouldn't you want someone there to just be with, talk to and confide in? He could have been that.”
Apparently just because Sarah is 8 years younger then me it doesn't mean I'm wiser then her. She was right. 100% right. I started feeling even more guilty and dumb then I already had. I fucked up. My stupid negativity really fucked it up.
I better go jump in the shower. My clothes it starting to itch and feel really really uncomfortable. This is what I get when I fill the base of the rat cage up with water and drop it (filled with water) by accident. I get a great big MESS... ew.
 Jesse's dog (Lilly) she wanted me to throw the ball. LOFL!

                         This pretty much sums it all up. :(

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I shot for the sky... I'm stuck on the ground.

Here I am, instead of driving my way home from visiting Sarah but instead I'm home crying my eyes out. I feel horrible. Although I know this feeling will pass, right now I'm filled with a bunch of terrible feelings while listening to Jordan Sparks. 
I feel really guilty. I set everything up for failure. I was to meet up with Andy last night and my negativity got the better of me. I can't say I blame him for permanently removing me from his life. Hell, I would too. I just wish I could have seen him one last time. I think I was openly expressing my doubt and fears because seeing it and hearing it kept me in a “realistic” check. To feel less foolish if things didn't work out like I had (internally) hoped.
A part of me never stopped loving Andy. I had so much faith in him all those years ago and after each time he let me down I somehow mustered up the ability to continue believing in him. And I'm happy I did. Because he's doing great in his life. He's got a lot going for him and that's all that matters. 
Yesterday was filled with multiple “realistic” blows. From all angles. My doctor (who is the most serious female I have ever met in my life) put me on a VERY strict diet. Carb free. She told me that I NEED to lose weight (well thank you for telling me something I had no idea about. WOW!) and sent me for blood work to check all my vitamin levels and other miscellaneous shit. And I need to get x-rays of my knees. I have arthritis in my knees. I didn't want to hear that. I've seen first hand what it's done to my mom and it made me really depressed. I'm trying really hard not to let it effect me so much but to be honest I don't want knee surgery. I was so deeply hoping that my surgery days were long behind me. Then I find this shit out and I hate it. 
Well now that I've found out that my knees are shot to hell and one of the people I've loved the most in my life wrote me off what do I have left?
So what can I do? Work on myself. Focus on ME and fixing ME so when I am ready to be with someone they have nothing to fix. Because I've already fixed myself. So I can focus on making a relationship work.
This carb free diet will be the best thing for me. I feel horrible about myself. And because of that it's projected in everything I do.
I can't even go out on dates because I don't feel good enough. I wanna be beautiful again. And I will be. 

The ONLY bright side of things is that I got some new glasses! I'm totally in love with them :D 
I plan on getting my 2nd holes RE-pierced (for the 4th time). And I'm doing it for one reason...
Sadly I have my 1st holes gauged at 12s and I can't take my earrings out :/ sounds stupid but once my ears got pierced with those things they have stayed in. For the past 6 years I've had them in and never taken them out. I wouldn't mind gauging up to a 10 but I have no idea how to take the ones I have on off. ugh... go figure.
So any earrings I want I have to put in my 2nd holes. Hence why I'm going to re-pierce.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I need to stay away.

I came online to check out glasses so I did that, posted on my usual form and then went poking around another page filled with really neat pictures. I typed in "guys with glasses" (that I find incredibly sexy) and this is one of the pictures that popped up:
My jaw dropped. This guy could pass as Seans twin. I swear he looks so much like him. The only difference is the neck tattoo and his ears aren't gauged like Seans. If I could mold the "perfect" guy for me, this would be it. Beautiful eyes, blonde hair, light skin, tattoos, gauges, a snake bite piercing on the lips ... I can go on and on. Sean was as close as I was ever going to get.
The only thing Sean lacked was life experience and maturity. But all that shit comes in time... I suppose.

Well on about my day (as I drool over how incredibly hot this guy is and how badly I want another guy EXACTLY like him.)
I did nothing today. No, Seriously... I went to the eye dr, spent 1.5 hours there, got my eyes dilated (that is a bitch to deal with btw) and drove home. My eyes were bothering me so much that I wasn't able to stop at the store or the park or even the car was like I wanted to. I came home and went right to bed. I slept for nearly 4 hours. Even when I woke up I had to remind myself "there is NO food in this house. Get up and go grocery shopping." So I did.
Came back and had some dinner and watched my newest addiction (Switched at birth)
I can't get enough. Thank you NetFlix!

Ok I'm pretty sure that's enough rambling. Tomorrow I hope to get things done. That's it for now!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Would you give me a reason to believe

I came to a realization about Andy last night. He went through what I'm going through.
It's so complicated and an emotion and mind frame that most people won't understand.
He and I started seeing one another around 3-4 yrs ago. He would make plans with me and then
ALWAYS back out. He followed through twice. I didn't want to give up on him, but after 7 months I was left with no other choice but to walk away. So I gave up and left.
I stopped talking to him and forgot all about him. After Sean broke it off with me he came back around, wanting a second chance. And me being me said NO. I strung him along for a while to see if his feelings were legit. After 1.5 years why the hell would anyone want to stir things back up?
I finally admitted I wanted nothing to do with him again in a "romantic" dating sense. We can be (distant) friends but beyond that his chance of anything were gone. I only give people one chance and that's it.  He admitted he messed up. He dated other girls after seeing me and they were no good.
Well, OBVIOUSLY! no one can beat how amazing of a girlfriend I am. It wasn't enough. I'm not going to fall for THAT. So we remained in contact. Texted every few months.
After Chris and I broke up he came back around. Shocker. Some people just won't give up.
The thing is, I deeply cared for him. I wanted to be with him so badly but he just wasn't feeling it, wanting it... whatever. I agreed that we can hang out. We got along amazingly well and I was actually happy with him that's why i stuck around for as long as I did. Probably a really stupid idea but I learned from THAT experience. Never wait for someone. Let go and move on. If they come back around then fine, if not it wasn't meant to be.
He came back around.
My recent issue involves me totally pulling away from everyone. I make plans and then back out. I reach out to only 2 people (Jenn & Sarah). and only talk to and hang out with those two. Anyone else I'll make impulse plans with and then back out all of a sudden. My anxiety, that seems to be getting worse, takes over and I don't follow through with the plans. I deleted my Facebook account because I want to keep away from the world THAT badly. I don't want to know about anyone and I don't want anyone to know about me. Out of sight out of mind. That's pretty much how I've lived my life for the past 8 years. It does wonders to avoid attachment to people. I haven't gotten attached to anyone in over a year.

I made plans to see a friend today. The thought of hanging out makes me really anxious. I don't want to talk with anyone. I don't even talk on the phone. I just text. I avoid verbal conversations at any cost. At least with text messages I can avoid people if I so choose to. I start seeing a new therapist on Friday. I hope this helps. This is going to be the 4th therapist I see in the last year. He seems like a nice guy. I also go to the doctor on 7/20. I hope to get an inhaler for my asthma and see what's going on with my knee so I can go back to the gym. I can give myself something to do instead of being
stuck at home doing nothing.
I've become quite a homebody. I love being home and staying in bed and just watching episodes of Switched at Birth. That show is SOOOO good! I'm addicted. 
Besides that, i do nothing. I don't even have the willpower to clean. I do the minimum. Clean clothes, take a shower, feed the rats, change their water. But that's it. -sigh-

I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow. I NEED new glasses really badly.  There is also a Pet Fair from 11am-2pm. I may take a couple of my babies out to the park. On Sunday there is a Psychic Fair in Southington. I love that stuff! So I'm thinking I'll pop in and see if there are any good psychics over there. I really need to get my cards read (again). The last time I had them read EVERY SINGLE THING ended up happening. Other then one part that won't ever happen, I'll make sure of it.

Andy invited me to go up to spend the night Monday into Tuesday. I've put thought into it but I can't. Not until I get all this other stuff figured out I just can't. I want to see him. And we've made plans to get together, but I'M the one that backs out now or doesn't reach out to him to make sure things are set in stone. Geeee... how the tables have turned.
(Note: THIS is the greatest way to kiss. I loved this upside-down kiss when I first had it.)
I'm afraid to see him. To have him near me again. To kiss him and never want to let go. We were SO happy together. At least I thought so. But he wasn't ready then and I'm not ready now and it's stupid. How two people can want to be together but can't seem to make it work out. I wanted nothing more but to be with him 3 years ago and he wants to be with me now and I don't think I'm ever going to want to be with anyone. At least not in a reasonable amount of time.
I remember kissing him. I remember everything. I remember the smallest detail and I hate it. I hate it because I don't want to. I want to lock those memories away and never EVER think of them. Being with Andy was the only other time I was happy. Andy and Sean. Those are the only two people that have ever made me truly and deeply happy. I forgot all about how happy I was with Andy because I spent so much time trying to forget until finally I had.
  (Note: Guys with tattoos turn me on like crazy. A guys with tattoos AND piercings is even better!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Run Away

I feel like I'm at odds with myself when it comes to several things.

There are days I miss the affection and general interaction with a guy. More specifically, a
boyfriend. Even when I was with Chris I emotionally checked out at least 3 months into the
relationship. I had no desire to be with ANYONE. But I stuck around trying my hardest to
actually care about another person.
Chris made me "happy" only 5% of the time. The other 95% of the time I was stressed and worried
and wanting out of the relationship. It's hard when you're the ONLY person driving, paying for
stuff and having to carry all this burden while the other person sits back and does nothing.
He complained about not being able to find a job. That's funny, my friend found a job in 1 week
after his unemployment ran up. I have a sinking feeling Chris just didn't want to work as much
as he said he did, if at all.
I feel a LOT of anger and resentment towards Chris. More then I'm sure anyone can understand.
I'm mad because he knew how miserable I was. He knew how badly I wanted to leave him, he KNEW how much better off I was alone but he wouldn't let up. He held on with both hands KNOWING damn well it was the wrong thing to do. He was being selfish and inconsiderate. I feel hurt, angry and used.
I would rather live and die alone then be with someone that cares so little about the other
person that they would rather see that person suffer and be stressed out ALL the time then to
say "ok, just go. I know you're not happy." that's not a good person, boyfriend OR friend.
He's tried reaching out to me but I have nothing nice to say to him so why would I talk to him?
I hope he finally gets it through his thick skull that I want him out of my life. He's the first
boyfriend I have ever had to care so little about me and my happiness that I don't want to talk
to him. Every other guy i ever dated (besides Sean) I ended it with them on ok terms. I explained
the situation, we talked and that was that. They didn't hold on, try to talk me out of it, beg
for another chance. They accepted it and let go. That's why I was and still am ok with them.
Chris on the other hand fought me every time I brought it up.
I think that's why I don't hate Sean. Because as much as he hurt me, he did the right thing
for BOTH of us. The choice of HOW he broke up with me really sucks but WHY he broke up with me is what really shows his colors. yeah he did lie about the stupidest things and he did break
my heart in a billion little pieces, but he did the right thing. He wasn't ready for the life
I wanted and was hopeing to have with him. So he let me go. I would have done the same for someon
I loved. Even if it meant walking away forever.
I've thought a lot about this. And as much as I don't want to admit it to myself OR anyone else
IF sean came back into the picture and wanted a second chance i would be VERY cautious and weary
but I would love to be with him again. I would give anything to feel even a fraction of happiness
that I felt over a year ago.
Right now I've hit rock bottom in multiple ways. I'm totally alone in the friend department (I
have a total of 2 close friends that have their own lives to lead.) I go to work and keep to
myself. Work is not for socializing. It's for WORKING.
I am single and am pretty much leaning more and more towards a FWB relationship over anything
else. I have nothing to offer anyone. I'm emotiionally unavailable and have no desire to be
romantically involved with anyone. I have embraced the single life in one way but I have also
shunned it in another.
I've disabbled my Facebook and a total of ONE person has noticed. It took 3 days for one person
to notice. None of my other "friends" have taken notice that I'm MIA. Go figure.
So due to lack of interaction I'm going to be posting more and more on here. I have no one to
talk to. I feel totally alone and just want to keep away from as many people as possible. If
I do go out I pick and choose WHO i'm willing to see. It sucks but right now my trust in
humanity is non-existant.
September I'm flying out to see my dad and family in Miami. I have at least THAT to look
forward to. And then in December my mom and I are going to Atlantic City. And in January
I'm going back to FL and then in March. I want to spend my 30th Birthday with my dad. I
have nothing up here.